
>> Sunday, November 2, 2008

The kids were super cute at Halloween! Gavin wore his 'Spiderman' costume (provided by his Grandma) for his party at school and looked super cute as he ran through the class room! He was all set to go trick-or-treating in his 'Monkey' costume, but after a full day of school and a lot of sugar from his party, he was not willing to cooperate as a Monkey and didn't end up going trick-or-treating. We tried getting some pictures with him as a Monkey, but they didn't turn out as well as we'd hoped!

Little Miss Brynn, on the other hand, was too tiny to fit into her 'Pumpkin' costume, so we just plopped her in her pumpkin and took pictures of her that way...we think she looks like a little 'Anne Geddes' baby!


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